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79 Million Residences Worldwide Will Host a Robot by 2024


We saw it on multiple films that tried to envision the future, we dreamed about how it would really be, took a taste of it in technology exhibitions, and witnessed it up to a point with what limited solutions are available in the market right now (vacuum cleaners). Owning a “personal assistant” or “companion” robot that lives with you in the house has remained an elusive dream, to the point that high-profile projects were scrapped and hopeful products were canceled. ABI Research however, says that we should not despair. Their prediction is that by 2024, 79 million homes globally will finally get a robot to help out with the daily stuff that needs doing.

This may only be a tiny fraction of the total number of homes in the world, but it will be enough to be called the beginning of a “boom” in the field. According to ABI Research, the drivers of this development are expected to be the advancements in the fields of artificial intelligence and voice recognition. If robots can understand what we’re saying to them, and if they can learn by living our everyday lives, then the key to unlock the problems that make the adoption sluggy will finally be handed over to humanity. Of course, these aren’t the only elements that will turn robots into perfectly capable helpful problem-solving assistants. Robots will need to be very mobile, very agile, and very versatile, so their kinetic systems and articulation units will be very crucial for their success in the roles we will expect them to carry out.

Finally, the company believes that by 2024, people will realize that robots can be a lot more than just tools that help them around the house. As Jonathan Collins, the Smart Home Research Director of the firm states, residents will soon figure out how to extend their physical and mental interaction with their assistants, going well into a new realm of kinship and socialization.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay